Yoga Class Schedule
Tuesday 6:30pm Sozo Yoga
Wednesday 9:00am Adaptive Movement + Meditation
5:30pm Adaptive Movement + Meditation
Friday 9:00am Adaptive Movement + Meditation
Saturday 9:00am Sozo Yoga
We're keeping it simple, just show up!
$16 drop in
$145 10 class punch card
*valid for 10 weeks
Private Sessions
$35 per hour
One on one sessions
Trauma Yoga Sessions
Sozo Yoga
To make new, to protect, to save, to preserve, to have faith, to make whole, to worship, to be made pure, everything good that comes from God.
Sozo Yoga
A flow class that includes fluid movement and spiritual meditation weaved throughout the class.
Movement + Meditation
50 Minutes of movement
then the opportunity to be still and meditate. I invite you to bring your bible and a journal for this class. Class will be up to an hour and 15 minutes long.
Adaptive Movement + Meditation
This is a multi-faceted class that will include stretching, strengthening and balance. A class for beginners and non beginners both. Chairs are available and you are invited to bring hand weights of your choice. 1-15lbs is recommended depending on where you are at in your strength training.
Dawn Barber
Certified Trauma Yoga Instructor
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach
Feminine Wholeness University Certification
Master Heart Course
I am a Certified Health Coach and Trauma Certified Yoga Instructor and am passionate about empowering woman in all seasons of life. In my health coaching I focus on the cyclical patterns we were intended to have in our lives and how to lean into our feminine nature to bring healing into life and relationships. In my training we were taught how the areas in the circle of life affect our health. I coach deeper in the relationship category as I believe that if you are married the health of your relationship is the first place to start in your health journey. I have specific tools I help you incorporate into your life and I believe when you use these tools you can heal your marriage. The women I coach are powerhouses that are ready to find balance in their life, health and relationships.
My areas of interest are:
Feminine Wholeness
Empowered Wife
Cyclical Living
Healthy Lifestyle
Adrenal Fatigue
Services offered:
Women's Trauma Yoga
Essential Oil Applications
Health Coaching
Private Yoga $35
Holistic Health Coaching $95 (includes support between appointments)